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HOA Updates & Meeting Minutes

  • 04/24/2023 - GOC HOA BOARD 0 Comments
    HOA meeting 4/25/23

     Glens of Connemara annual HOA meeting 2023

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  • 12/03/2021 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

    If you prefer to view the minutes in Google Document form, please follow this link.

    2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

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  • 11/30/2020 - HOA Board 0 Comments
    SD113A Superintendent Anthony McConnell

    Mr. McConnell had a family emergency on the night of our Annual Meeting. He was set to speak, but missed. Here is what he sent us after.....

    Thank you.  My apologies again for jumping on so late. I appreciate your understanding.  Tonight I was going to speak very briefly for the Board about the District's recent referendum.  Below is a summary of my remarks that I prepared. I would be happy to answer any questions from your HOA on the topic or if the question is placed on the ballot for April to organize a Q and A just with your group.  


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  • 11/30/2020 - HOA Board 0 Comments
    2020 Annual Meeting Minutes

    Glens of Connemara Annual HOA Meeting

    Tuesday, November 24, 2020

    Via Zoom

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  • 10/27/2020 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    Meeting Minutes 10/25/20

    October 25, 2020    11:00am

    HOA Board meets to discuss upcoming Annual Meeting, capitol improvements, budget, other.

    Annual Meeting: -Date/time/venu discussed:  Social Distancing regulations make it nearly impossible to hold an indoor meeting..our usual venue options are not allowing gatherings at this time... Outdoor meetings could be a disaster due to cold/unpredictable incliment weather..... ZOOM meeting seems like a good, safe option.

    Zoom: Residents can fill out the Contact Us form so we have all the emails, and then we can send the Zoom Invites.

    ELECTIONS: Residents interested in running for the 2 open positions can let us know by Nov. 17 so we can get their names on the website... Elections will be held with a live vote on Zoom. 

    AGENDA: SD113A Superintendant has expressed interest in joining our meeting to address the community. Matt will clairify his agenda, so we can allot him an appropriate amount of time...... Reach out to George Schafer and Mayor to see if they would be available to join as to address any community concerns and/or questions.

    MAILING LETTERS:  Cambridge has the names, addresses of all of our residents, and the ability to get it done quickly... Muhammad to reach out to Ed to get an estimate on cost of using them to mail the letters for the Annual Meeting.

    BUDGET:  No Summer party, so if there is a 2021 Summer Party, we can use the allotted 2020 summer budget in addition to the 2021 summer budget to throw a really nice gathering for the residents (pending on Covid)......Easter event shall be cancelled due to lack of participation/scheduling conflicts/weather issues... We can use that budget elsewhere.......

    CAPITOL IMPROVEMENT IDEAS: Board discusses different areas in need of improvement in our neighborhood.....West Entrance Signs, possible walking path landscaping (need to look into if we actually are allowed, or if that is not our property), tree replacement in the front island of the East Entrance.....tall "screen" landscaping around ComEd equipment.... landscaping at the edges of the open grass areas..... park improvements...



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  • 05/03/2020 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    Reminder to the Residents

    Hello, Residents,

    It has been brought to the attention of the HOA that some residents have still not taken down their outdoor Christmas lights.  Please make sure you take your outdoor Christmas lights down as soon as possible.  Thank you for your cooperation.

    We hope that you are all staying well during this challenging time.  However, if you or another Lemont resident you know is in need of assistance, please look to the for information.  The Villiage has asked us to post information about an assistance program for those in need. Check it out for yourself, or pass along the information to anyone who needs it.  Thank you.


    Your GOC HOA Board

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  • 03/30/2020 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    A Letter From the Village

    Here is a letter from the Village of Lemont regarding car a burglary in our area.  Please be vigilant in locking any vehicles that you leave in your driveway or on the street. Thank you.

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  • 11/19/2019 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

    November 14th, 2019


    Lemont Police Department

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  • 10/08/2019 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    Letter Regarding Our Annual Meeting

    Dear Residents,

                We are coming up on the Annual HOA meeting. It will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 7:00pm at the Lemont Police Department.  We will be going over the annual budget, community issues updates, and holding an election for new Board Members.


    There are three Board Member positions that are up for election.  If you are interested in running to become a Board Member, please email the Board through the new Glens of Connemara website by OCTOBER 31st.  Please identify your name, address, and a short bio or reason why you wish to run for the Board. 


    We will have all candidates’ names up on the website’s home page on November 1st.  If you cannot make the meeting, and wish to send in a proxy vote, you can do so by contacting the Board through the website.  Please identify your name, address (only one vote per household), and the 3 candidates you would like to see on the Board. Those 3 candidates with the most votes will become Board Members.  Please send your proxy vote via email to the Board NO LATER THAN MONDAY, NOV. 11th so we are sure to have all proxy votes counted.


    The Board is continuing to work with village and police officials about the speeding/reckless driving issues our community has been experiencing.  Updates on this topic will be discussed at the Annual Meeting.  Please continue to contact Tony Camardo to report license plate numbers, or video evidence of speeding/reckless driving. You can contact Tony Camardo at 630/257-2229 ext.2493 or via email


    As a reminder, the HOA Board has hired a management company to handle the collections of our HOA Assessments, and all follow-up letters associated with late payments.  The management company is Cambridge Management, LTD.  Please do not disregard letters from them, and if you haven’t done so already, please pay your annual assessment fee.  If you have any questions regarding your assessment fee payment, please contact Ed Oswald. He is the primary contact, and his email address is



    The Glens of Connemara Homeowners Association Board

    Liz Khouri

    Jerry Lucente

    Muhammad Matariyeh

    Jamie Strauss

    Matt Swanson

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  • 10/01/2019 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    9/26/19 Meeting Minutes

    9/26/19 meeting held at Lemont Police Department

    7:00pm-- All Board members present 

    Budget discussion: Ongoing costs include insurance, grounds keeping, pond maintenance, website, summer block party

                    -Suggestion to move Easter egg hunt funds to the summer block party due to lack of participation and it being hard to plan because of the iffy weather.

                                    -Board Approved

                    -Suggestion to seasonally decorate the front entrances with pumpkins and hay bales for fall and lights in the winter

                                    -All Board like the idea and is set to price out decorations


                    -Discussion on new beautification projects around the neighborhood:

    -Add new landscaping such as flowers/trees/bushes

                                    -All need to be priced out with a landscaper

                                    -Can ComEd take down the old rusted towers?                

                                                    -We will call ComEd to discuss the issue

                                    -2 areas of standing water on sidewalks

     (front West on Dunmoor + Dunmoor & Tullamore)

                                                    -We will call Frank to discuss a solution


    Annual Meeting discussion: Date/Time/Place/Agenda

                    -Thursday, November 14th, 7:00pm @ Lemont Police Department

                    -Agenda to include 2019 completed projects, 2020 budget proposal, future projects, elections, stop sign/speeding update, and misc.


    Elections: 3 Board Member positions up for election

                    -Candidates to have their names submitted to the Board BY OCT 31

                    -Candidates’ names on website for all residents to view by Nov. 1

                    -All Proxy Votes must be submitted to the Board BY NOV. 11th

                    -All submissions will shall be submitted via the new website for easy collection and cataloguing.


    8:30pm- Meeting adjourned

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  • 09/25/2019 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    Speeding Issue Update

    Hello, Residents,

    We wanted to provide a follow up to the speeding issues in the neighborhood and excited to share some progress:

    Lemont PD is approving stop signs for the following locations based the recent traffic assessment conducted in our neighborhood at the request of the HOA.

    Here are the recommended locations:

    N/B and S/B Dunmoor at Tullamore

    N/B and S/B Dunmoor at Waterford

    E/B and W/B Waterford at Tullamore

    N/B and S/B Waterford and Tara

    N/B and S/B Waterford at Lismore

    In terms of timing, the committee meeting with the PD is on Oct 8, where they officially approve the stop signs. Then, the PD will send the request to the Village Board, who will have to amend the ordinance and then vote on it. (It sounds like that could take up to a month). Once the village approves, public works will install them as soon as they can.

    You may have already noticed a newly installed 'Children at Play' sign near the park. If you believe there are other locations in which a sign that like would be needed, please send your suggestions our way via the "Contact Us" section.

    We realize that this will not solve all of our speeding problems, but it is a good start. (We love seeing all of the 'slow down' signs at the end of driveways when kids are playing, btw.)

    We will provide more updates as we move forward in this process. 

    -GOC HOA Board

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  • 07/02/2019 - glens-of-connomora 0 Comments
    Website launch!

    Welcome to The Glens of Connemara Homeowners Association's new website!

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Type text here

Type text here

  • 04/24/2023 - GOC HOA BOARD 0 Comments
    HOA meeting 4/25/23

     Glens of Connemara annual HOA meeting 2023

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  • 12/03/2021 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

    If you prefer to view the minutes in Google Document form, please follow this link.

    2021 Annual Meeting Minutes

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  • 11/30/2020 - HOA Board 0 Comments
    SD113A Superintendent Anthony McConnell

    Mr. McConnell had a family emergency on the night of our Annual Meeting. He was set to speak, but missed. Here is what he sent us after.....

    Thank you.  My apologies again for jumping on so late. I appreciate your understanding.  Tonight I was going to speak very briefly for the Board about the District's recent referendum.  Below is a summary of my remarks that I prepared. I would be happy to answer any questions from your HOA on the topic or if the question is placed on the ballot for April to organize a Q and A just with your group.  


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  • 11/30/2020 - HOA Board 0 Comments
    2020 Annual Meeting Minutes

    Glens of Connemara Annual HOA Meeting

    Tuesday, November 24, 2020

    Via Zoom

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  • 10/27/2020 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    Meeting Minutes 10/25/20

    October 25, 2020    11:00am

    HOA Board meets to discuss upcoming Annual Meeting, capitol improvements, budget, other.

    Annual Meeting: -Date/time/venu discussed:  Social Distancing regulations make it nearly impossible to hold an indoor meeting..our usual venue options are not allowing gatherings at this time... Outdoor meetings could be a disaster due to cold/unpredictable incliment weather..... ZOOM meeting seems like a good, safe option.

    Zoom: Residents can fill out the Contact Us form so we have all the emails, and then we can send the Zoom Invites.

    ELECTIONS: Residents interested in running for the 2 open positions can let us know by Nov. 17 so we can get their names on the website... Elections will be held with a live vote on Zoom. 

    AGENDA: SD113A Superintendant has expressed interest in joining our meeting to address the community. Matt will clairify his agenda, so we can allot him an appropriate amount of time...... Reach out to George Schafer and Mayor to see if they would be available to join as to address any community concerns and/or questions.

    MAILING LETTERS:  Cambridge has the names, addresses of all of our residents, and the ability to get it done quickly... Muhammad to reach out to Ed to get an estimate on cost of using them to mail the letters for the Annual Meeting.

    BUDGET:  No Summer party, so if there is a 2021 Summer Party, we can use the allotted 2020 summer budget in addition to the 2021 summer budget to throw a really nice gathering for the residents (pending on Covid)......Easter event shall be cancelled due to lack of participation/scheduling conflicts/weather issues... We can use that budget elsewhere.......

    CAPITOL IMPROVEMENT IDEAS: Board discusses different areas in need of improvement in our neighborhood.....West Entrance Signs, possible walking path landscaping (need to look into if we actually are allowed, or if that is not our property), tree replacement in the front island of the East Entrance.....tall "screen" landscaping around ComEd equipment.... landscaping at the edges of the open grass areas..... park improvements...



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  • 05/03/2020 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    Reminder to the Residents

    Hello, Residents,

    It has been brought to the attention of the HOA that some residents have still not taken down their outdoor Christmas lights.  Please make sure you take your outdoor Christmas lights down as soon as possible.  Thank you for your cooperation.

    We hope that you are all staying well during this challenging time.  However, if you or another Lemont resident you know is in need of assistance, please look to the for information.  The Villiage has asked us to post information about an assistance program for those in need. Check it out for yourself, or pass along the information to anyone who needs it.  Thank you.


    Your GOC HOA Board

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  • 03/30/2020 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    A Letter From the Village

    Here is a letter from the Village of Lemont regarding car a burglary in our area.  Please be vigilant in locking any vehicles that you leave in your driveway or on the street. Thank you.

    Read More
  • 11/19/2019 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

    November 14th, 2019


    Lemont Police Department

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  • 10/08/2019 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    Letter Regarding Our Annual Meeting

    Dear Residents,

                We are coming up on the Annual HOA meeting. It will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 7:00pm at the Lemont Police Department.  We will be going over the annual budget, community issues updates, and holding an election for new Board Members.


    There are three Board Member positions that are up for election.  If you are interested in running to become a Board Member, please email the Board through the new Glens of Connemara website by OCTOBER 31st.  Please identify your name, address, and a short bio or reason why you wish to run for the Board. 


    We will have all candidates’ names up on the website’s home page on November 1st.  If you cannot make the meeting, and wish to send in a proxy vote, you can do so by contacting the Board through the website.  Please identify your name, address (only one vote per household), and the 3 candidates you would like to see on the Board. Those 3 candidates with the most votes will become Board Members.  Please send your proxy vote via email to the Board NO LATER THAN MONDAY, NOV. 11th so we are sure to have all proxy votes counted.


    The Board is continuing to work with village and police officials about the speeding/reckless driving issues our community has been experiencing.  Updates on this topic will be discussed at the Annual Meeting.  Please continue to contact Tony Camardo to report license plate numbers, or video evidence of speeding/reckless driving. You can contact Tony Camardo at 630/257-2229 ext.2493 or via email


    As a reminder, the HOA Board has hired a management company to handle the collections of our HOA Assessments, and all follow-up letters associated with late payments.  The management company is Cambridge Management, LTD.  Please do not disregard letters from them, and if you haven’t done so already, please pay your annual assessment fee.  If you have any questions regarding your assessment fee payment, please contact Ed Oswald. He is the primary contact, and his email address is



    The Glens of Connemara Homeowners Association Board

    Liz Khouri

    Jerry Lucente

    Muhammad Matariyeh

    Jamie Strauss

    Matt Swanson

    Read More
  • 10/01/2019 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    9/26/19 Meeting Minutes

    9/26/19 meeting held at Lemont Police Department

    7:00pm-- All Board members present 

    Budget discussion: Ongoing costs include insurance, grounds keeping, pond maintenance, website, summer block party

                    -Suggestion to move Easter egg hunt funds to the summer block party due to lack of participation and it being hard to plan because of the iffy weather.

                                    -Board Approved

                    -Suggestion to seasonally decorate the front entrances with pumpkins and hay bales for fall and lights in the winter

                                    -All Board like the idea and is set to price out decorations


                    -Discussion on new beautification projects around the neighborhood:

    -Add new landscaping such as flowers/trees/bushes

                                    -All need to be priced out with a landscaper

                                    -Can ComEd take down the old rusted towers?                

                                                    -We will call ComEd to discuss the issue

                                    -2 areas of standing water on sidewalks

     (front West on Dunmoor + Dunmoor & Tullamore)

                                                    -We will call Frank to discuss a solution


    Annual Meeting discussion: Date/Time/Place/Agenda

                    -Thursday, November 14th, 7:00pm @ Lemont Police Department

                    -Agenda to include 2019 completed projects, 2020 budget proposal, future projects, elections, stop sign/speeding update, and misc.


    Elections: 3 Board Member positions up for election

                    -Candidates to have their names submitted to the Board BY OCT 31

                    -Candidates’ names on website for all residents to view by Nov. 1

                    -All Proxy Votes must be submitted to the Board BY NOV. 11th

                    -All submissions will shall be submitted via the new website for easy collection and cataloguing.


    8:30pm- Meeting adjourned

    Read More
  • 09/25/2019 - GOC HOA Board 0 Comments
    Speeding Issue Update

    Hello, Residents,

    We wanted to provide a follow up to the speeding issues in the neighborhood and excited to share some progress:

    Lemont PD is approving stop signs for the following locations based the recent traffic assessment conducted in our neighborhood at the request of the HOA.

    Here are the recommended locations:

    N/B and S/B Dunmoor at Tullamore

    N/B and S/B Dunmoor at Waterford

    E/B and W/B Waterford at Tullamore

    N/B and S/B Waterford and Tara

    N/B and S/B Waterford at Lismore

    In terms of timing, the committee meeting with the PD is on Oct 8, where they officially approve the stop signs. Then, the PD will send the request to the Village Board, who will have to amend the ordinance and then vote on it. (It sounds like that could take up to a month). Once the village approves, public works will install them as soon as they can.

    You may have already noticed a newly installed 'Children at Play' sign near the park. If you believe there are other locations in which a sign that like would be needed, please send your suggestions our way via the "Contact Us" section.

    We realize that this will not solve all of our speeding problems, but it is a good start. (We love seeing all of the 'slow down' signs at the end of driveways when kids are playing, btw.)

    We will provide more updates as we move forward in this process. 

    -GOC HOA Board

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  • 07/02/2019 - glens-of-connomora 0 Comments
    Website launch!

    Welcome to The Glens of Connemara Homeowners Association's new website!

    Read More

The Glens of Connemara
Lemont, IL 60439

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