Meeting Minutes 10/25/20

October 25, 2020    11:00am

HOA Board meets to discuss upcoming Annual Meeting, capitol improvements, budget, other.

Annual Meeting: -Date/time/venu discussed:  Social Distancing regulations make it nearly impossible to hold an indoor meeting..our usual venue options are not allowing gatherings at this time... Outdoor meetings could be a disaster due to cold/unpredictable incliment weather..... ZOOM meeting seems like a good, safe option.

Zoom: Residents can fill out the Contact Us form so we have all the emails, and then we can send the Zoom Invites.

ELECTIONS: Residents interested in running for the 2 open positions can let us know by Nov. 17 so we can get their names on the website... Elections will be held with a live vote on Zoom. 

AGENDA: SD113A Superintendant has expressed interest in joining our meeting to address the community. Matt will clairify his agenda, so we can allot him an appropriate amount of time...... Reach out to George Schafer and Mayor to see if they would be available to join as to address any community concerns and/or questions.

MAILING LETTERS:  Cambridge has the names, addresses of all of our residents, and the ability to get it done quickly... Muhammad to reach out to Ed to get an estimate on cost of using them to mail the letters for the Annual Meeting.

BUDGET:  No Summer party, so if there is a 2021 Summer Party, we can use the allotted 2020 summer budget in addition to the 2021 summer budget to throw a really nice gathering for the residents (pending on Covid)......Easter event shall be cancelled due to lack of participation/scheduling conflicts/weather issues... We can use that budget elsewhere.......

CAPITOL IMPROVEMENT IDEAS: Board discusses different areas in need of improvement in our neighborhood.....West Entrance Signs, possible walking path landscaping (need to look into if we actually are allowed, or if that is not our property), tree replacement in the front island of the East Entrance.....tall "screen" landscaping around ComEd equipment.... landscaping at the edges of the open grass areas..... park improvements...




The Glens of Connemara
Lemont, IL 60439

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