2019 Annual Meeting Minutes

November 14th, 2019


Lemont Police Department

7:03- Meeting called to begin


Mayor John Egofske and Village Administrator George Schafer opened with some update about Lemont:

                -The lawsuit against Lemont (annexation of 17 properties)  is over

                                -Resolved 1 year ago & the 12 month moratorium expires soon

                                -All 17 properties are remaining in Lemont

                                -More properties are waiting to annex from Palos to become Lemont

                                                -Lemont water & sewer is significantly lower cost than Palos, so Lemont is very

appealing to new/developing properties


                -In Lemont…

                                -Ground has been broken on an Outdoor Adventure Park

                                                -set to have climbing towers, zip lines, ropes courses, etc.

                                                -this type of family entertainment will hopefully bring in lots of tourist revenue

                                -Construction on Rt. 83 & Main St

                                                -Projected to be completed by the end of November (or so we are told)

                                                -The property over there is owned by Lemont

                                                                -possible gas station to go there

                                                                -also looking  into Starbucks/retail/restaurant there

                                                                -help welcome people into our town as well as provide  things that

people need

                                -Down town Lemont

                                                -New restaurants opened Wooden Paddle, Digs, McCaferty’s

                                                -More to come & new stores in the storefronts to open

                                                -Making Lemont more vibrant & upscale

                                                -Possible Luxury apartment complex to be built in future

                                                -Shopping in Lemont automatically gives 1% back into our community

                                -Pete’s Fresh Market to open December 12th

                                -Lemont Township in good financial standing

                                                -looking to use 1% sales tax for road projects, bike paths to connect Lemont

even more


                                                -Will be legal in IL starting Jan 1, 2020

                                                -Lemont is starting to begin discussions about whether or not to have a

dispensary open in Lemont

-Mayor WANTS YOUR FEEDBACK on this topic

                -Email your thoughts on this topic directly to the Mayor

-Pro: It would be a projected added $4,500 for Lemont/year

                                                -Con: Would it lower the standards of Lemont?


7:25pm Financial Report

Board Member Muhammad Matariyeh is joined by Ed Oswald, our advisor from Cambridge Management to discuss the 2019 and projected 2020 budget.

                -Community Improvements

                                -Signs at Dumnoor Entrance

                                -Fountains in Ponds

                                -Electric at Dunmoor Entrance

                                -New website development

                -While we have made improvements, the Board has also remained fiscally responsible

                                -we have enough funds to be secure and still fund future projects

                -Cambridge Management has helped to reduce the number of outstanding fees

                                -only 12 homes remain unpaid in their assessment fees

                                -Cambridge Management will be mailing another round of collection letters soon

                                -Ed Oswald said there would possibly be a way to put a “pay assessment fees now” link

onto website. Jamie Strauss will communicate more with him on this.


7:30- Board Elections     

3 Board Member Positions were up for elections. As of November 1st, Board Member Jamie Strauss and new candidate Jennifer McCarty were the only candidates running for election.

                -In the meeting , Board Members Jerry Lucente and Muhammad Matariyeh decided to run

again, as well as new candidate Slawek Stachasz

-Ballots were passed out and collected

-Ed Oswald assisted Board Member Matt Swanson in counting the votes


7:37- Community Events

While the votes were being counted, Board Member Liz Khouri gave updates on community events

                -Summer Party

                                -Attended by 250+ people          

                                -Collected over $500 for  local charities

                                -Collected a lot of school supplies for kids in need

                -If you have any interest in helping to plan/execute /donate or have your company sponsor a

future event, please contact the Board through the website.

                -Speeding Issue               

                                -The Board is continuing to work to address the issue

                                                -Newly added “Children at Play” signs installed 

                                                -Lemont completed a traffic survey and is set to officially approve additional

stop signs to our neighborhood in Dec.

-Please continue to remind your family and friends of the speed limit (20MPH),

and to stop when a school bus is stopped


Election results are read: The 3 current Board members, Jamie Strauss, Jerry Lucente and Muhammad Matariyeh, were all re-elected to remain on the GOC HOA Board.


Issues brought up by residents regarding the neighborhood:

                -Request for some sort of landscaping to block the transformers in the middle of our open area

                -Suggested limestone rocks to boarder ponds to give them more appeal

                -No fishing signs up around ponds to keep non-residents away

                -Query about the ability to expand/deepen the ponds so they don’t overflow as easily

                -Request to have the landscaping crew be more mindful and not shoot cut grass into the ponds

                -Request for new signage at the Waterford entrance (to match the Dunmoor entrance)

                -Request for additional lighting at the Waterford endtrance

                -Side walk dips need to be addressed (on Dunmoor near 131st and near Tullamore)

                                -This is an issue for the village—the Board will reach out

                -Trees at Dunmoor entrance need to be trimmed for better visibility

                                -Again, the village should tend to this—the Board will reach out


8:05pm Meeting adjourned


The Glens of Connemara
Lemont, IL 60439


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