Letter Regarding Our Annual Meeting

Dear Residents,

            We are coming up on the Annual HOA meeting. It will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 7:00pm at the Lemont Police Department.  We will be going over the annual budget, community issues updates, and holding an election for new Board Members.


There are three Board Member positions that are up for election.  If you are interested in running to become a Board Member, please email the Board through the new Glens of Connemara website by OCTOBER 31st.  Please identify your name, address, and a short bio or reason why you wish to run for the Board. 


We will have all candidates’ names up on the website’s home page on November 1st.  If you cannot make the meeting, and wish to send in a proxy vote, you can do so by contacting the Board through the website.  Please identify your name, address (only one vote per household), and the 3 candidates you would like to see on the Board. Those 3 candidates with the most votes will become Board Members.  Please send your proxy vote via email to the Board NO LATER THAN MONDAY, NOV. 11th so we are sure to have all proxy votes counted.


The Board is continuing to work with village and police officials about the speeding/reckless driving issues our community has been experiencing.  Updates on this topic will be discussed at the Annual Meeting.  Please continue to contact Tony Camardo to report license plate numbers, or video evidence of speeding/reckless driving. You can contact Tony Camardo at 630/257-2229 ext.2493 or via email acamardo@lemont.il.us.


As a reminder, the HOA Board has hired a management company to handle the collections of our HOA Assessments, and all follow-up letters associated with late payments.  The management company is Cambridge Management, LTD.  Please do not disregard letters from them, and if you haven’t done so already, please pay your annual assessment fee.  If you have any questions regarding your assessment fee payment, please contact Ed Oswald. He is the primary contact, and his email address is ed@cambridgeltd.net.



The Glens of Connemara Homeowners Association Board

Liz Khouri

Jerry Lucente

Muhammad Matariyeh

Jamie Strauss

Matt Swanson


The Glens of Connemara
Lemont, IL 60439


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