11/30/2020 by HOA Board 0 Comments
2020 Annual Meeting Minutes
Glens of Connemara Annual HOA Meeting
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Via Zoom
7:00pm- Meeting called to order, brief overview of agenda
-SD113A Superintendent Anthony McConnell
-Village of Lemont’s George Schafer
-Ed Oswald from Cambridge Management/Budget
SD113A Anthony McConnell: was late and actually showed up to the meeting around 7:50pm after the meeting had been dismissed. He had a family emergency, and said he’d send an email with the information he was to discuss. That email will be posted separately.
Village of Lemont’s George Schafer: Takeaway- Lemont is in a promising place even with COVID restrictions.
-Record number of permits have been requested for upgrades/renovations on Lemont
- A number of business grants have been issued & many properties have utilized
outdoor space
-The Forge is open, but only at 25% capacity
-New gas station almost open on Archer by Target/Kohl’s
-Lemont’s residential growth is solid
-Investments continue to come in for restoring old buildings downtown
Notes from George:
-Continue to support local businesses as much as possible
-Annexation lawsuit is officially CLOSED and DONE
Questions about park updates & entrance roadway on Dunmoor:
-The park district has a schedule of which parks are to be
completed/updated. He can check in with them to see when Connemara
Park will be getting an update. Any ideas about the park can be submitted to
the Executive Director of the Lemont Park District.
-Can we add some sort of directional signage to help direct traffic when
people pull into our subdivision on Dunmoor? George says he will check
with the striping program for the Village.
-Can we get more lighting on the median at the Dunmoor Entrance? George
will check with Public Works. We already have electric over there, so that’s a
step in the right direction.
Ed Oswald from Cambridge Management: Budget is looking good for 2020-21
-Electric bill has gone up, but that is expected with the new lighting on our signage
-No legal fees in 2020, so that was a decrease
-No community events were thrown, so there was no money spent there.
-but that budget will be rolled over to the 2021 community event budget so
that we can have a very nice party for residents when COVID restrictions are
-Insurance has gone *down $400--- *Ed made a small mistake in the meeting and
originally reported that insurance had gone up $400.
-GOC budget is secure with 30% of our budget set away in reserves.
-Payments for HOA Assessment Fees can be paid online by going to the GOC website
home page and scrolling to the bottom. OR can be paid by mail with checks or cc
payments sent to
Cambridge Management
159 S. Harlem Ave
PMBox 108
Tinley Park, IL 60477
-Invoices will be sent out via mail at the beginning of the year.
Capitol Improvement Project Ideas for 2021
-Center walking path update/lighting/landscaping/repaving
-New signage for Waterford Entrance
-Fence maintenance/repair/painting for the outer fence on 131st
-Parkway tree replacement
-Matt Swanson spoke to the Village earlier this year, and they said our
neighborhood is “on the list” for tree replacement. We should start to see this in the new year.
-Survey will be put online so residents can vote for the project they feel should be
attended to first. Survey will be set up after Board looks into more detailed pricing for
each project.
-Homes with backyards near park are complaining of lots of vole activity.
-call personal exterminators to care for your own lawns
-HOA will get in touch with the Park District to see if they will do anything to
treat the park area
-But possibly they are just being uprooted from their homes underground
due to the home construction digging back there.
-2 Board Member positions were up for election
-Candidates are: Matt Swanson (reelection) and Jennifer McCarty (new candidtate)
-Matt had 16 proxy votes emailed to the Board on the previous day
-2 candidates and 2 positions, with no opposition, both Jenn and Matt will serve on the
HOA Board until the 2023 election (vote at the 2022 annual meeting.
-Welcome, Jenn!
Last call for comments and/or questions…
Meeting dismissed at 7:45pm
Matt Swanson and Jamie Strauss stayed to get contact info from Jenn McCarty, and then Anthony McConnell popped in to apologize and explain his family emergency.